Monday, April 26, 2010

Hot, Cold and Crazy

So the ride from SD to Phoenix was more than interesting. When i started this trip out i figured i would be in hot ass weather the whole time and i probably not even bring pants. But wow have i been wrong. After it raining in SD i woke up and left my dad and started driving to Phoenix for my trip by myself. I got on the road about 9:30 and once i say some area on the road i cranked up the music, some The Bravery - Believe, which actually kept me wanting to go on this trip when i was planning it all out. I get going and not more than 10 min on the road it start to rain again and not like last night but pounding god damn rain!!! Its SD for Christ sakes its suppose to be beautiful. Anyway so i keep going and i did not really look at the topography of what i would be driving but on this little trek you go into the mountains!!!! Do you know what it does in the mountains when it rains???!! IT FUCKING SNOW!!!! Yes S-N-O-W. I'm driving from SD where its suppose to be the best weather to a place where its suppose to be 1000 degrees and its snowing. And not a little mist of snow. Full on get my ski's out.(or snowboard whatever you ride) I'm hung over as sin and dehydrated and driving by myself for the first time on this trip and I'm freaking out. Little panic attack on the top of a snowy mountain during the begining of a trip is an amazing feeling lol. I breathed and drove and got down it. Then you start to get into flat land. And i get a couple hours into driving out of the snow and what do i see??? Mexico and absolute desert. Like desert you see on TV. Just sand. Ive never seen it before. I was a really cool site but I'm just laughing out loud in my car thinking snow to desert, just ridiculous. Saw out defense on boarder jumping and it was a 8ft? wall fence that i could probably jump over so no wonder people are pissed that there is no security. Also talked to a guy in Phoenix who said that's prob the best part of the fence the rest is shitty and barely a fence at all. Anyway. I stop right out side of Yuma, AZ where i take my first crossing state line pic. Driving though AZ was beautiful. There wasn't much there but at least there are some awesome rock formations. Really cool, you see it on TV but for me it never really existed till i saw it for myself. And looking at them wondering how they were formed so weird. Like a person standing on a rock made out of rock. Mother nature man!!! just ridiculous. After about 5 hours of driving i pull into Tempe not really having a plan. I know I'm gonna park and take the train in and prob sleep in my car. Hindsight is 20/20 by the way. This wasn't a great part of my plan.

The game was Cardinals and D-bags. I mean D-backs. I'm still rooting against the D-backs cause they are in our division. But as the game goes on the kid to my right thinks he know everything and keep saying stupid ass shit. The Cards go up and he talks more, and more and more. So i start rooting for the D-bags, cause the dude behind me is a cool guy and we all start the chatting. Always fun to talk baseball with people from other places. The D-bags tie it up and then the relief pitching comes in and you can feel the tension in the place. They've lost 4 games that they were winning in the 9th in the last week. And they did what they had been doing. They blow it and blow it bad. 5 runs in the top of the 9th inning. after the first run everyone gave up hope. I've never seen people turn on their team so fast. Everyone was cheering on min and the next booing and yelling and just really pissed off. If i was in NY or Bos or even LA for the Dodgers and this happen I'd be worried about a riot but 90 year old don't really riot they just boo relay loudly. lol. All 15,000 people. Another disappointing show for MLB west fans. just no getting to many people going to the games.

After the game i took the train back to Tempe. and dropped my stuff of at my car which i don't know why i was so worried about it, its freaking Tempe, AZ. But i start freaking out and need to move it and im thinking i need to move it somewhere i can hide and get some sleep tonight without cops or a ton of people walking by. i find a decent place and people are going to be walking around in the morning but ill be gone at 9 so what the hell. I eat at this amazing diner right on Mill st. Its a hipster hangout. Everyone tatted up and ripped fishnets. Very hot. Place was called Sucker Punch Sally's Diner. I felt very out of place but I'm figuring won;t be the last and sure as hell not the first. Food's cheap and i want to try a couple things i order a deep fried pork loin sandwich and Mac and cheese with everything in it. I mean everything. Bartender says its a lot food, I'm thinking i can still put a dent in it. NOT A CHANCE. She wasn't joking its was 3 full meals for me and the people at the bar are looking at me even more. I again share my Mac and Cheese with some lovely ladies at the bar. Amazing stuff. i wish i could have more than 5 bites out of these plates. So awesome. I get out paying like $25 and that's with 2 beers and food for a week. I go up and down the streets drinking at each place. College towns i can do with friends but by myself i need a more chill place where i can sit relax and chat. A shit ton of college kids and people older than me acting like they are still in college, really kinda sad. I drink till like 1 and call it a night i go to my car and try to sleep. I'm feeling weird and not liking the feeling of being there. So i walk around trying to find a hotel that has a room. NOTHING!!! I'm freaking out cause i have a 16 hour drive ahead of me and need some sort of sleep so i don't pass out on the road. i do the dumbest thing and drive my car to the nearest Motel 6 which is still only 2 miles away on a very straight street but scared shitless I'm gonna get in trouble. Thank god nothing does and i pull in grab a good 7 hours. Much needed.

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